Sunday, October 26, 2008

Happy Halloween

Halloween: Then and Now

By J. Ellen Fedder, published Sep 11, 2007

Kids remember Halloween traditions into adulthood. I still remember how I spent Halloween as a kid, and that was quite a few years ago. Many traditions and activities are the same, but there are several differences between Halloween celebrations nowadays and Halloween celebrations of years ago.

When I was a kid, our costumes were cute or funny; seldom were they sinister or scary. We had princess gowns and Suzy homemakers aprons, firemen and cowboys. Today, we see a whole slew of evil-related costumes with extensive accessories.

When I was a kid, no self-respecting pre-teen would be out trick-or-treating. It was an accepted thing, that when you reached pre-teen age, you graduated from candy beggar to candy giver. Essentially, you had door duty.

When I was a kid, Tootsie Rolls, Juicy Fruit gum, and candy necklaces were desirable items in a candy bag. Kids might even expect an apple or some homemade chocolate chip cookies in the bag. Bags were often pillowcases or large paper grocery bags with the edges rolled down. And always, my mother would inspect the candy for safety.

Today, all many of unknown candy types compete for inclusion in treat bags. Even neighbors compete for best candy offered. Kids compete for most bags filled, often emptying a candy bag and changing costumes and going out again. And the bags themselves are no longer made of paper. Some bags are simple plastic grocery bags and others have strong handles for carrying all the loot.

Years ago, kids school parties followed harvest time themes, and in the community some non-profit group would always put on a haunted house. I remember bobbing for apples and playing games that involved disgusting looking but delectable treats. I also remember scary walks through haunted houses. Always there was a bowl of something like Spaghetti and Jell-O that you had to stick your hand into. The concoction always resembled body parts - at least that's what we were told was in the bowl.

The worst Halloween behaviors kids of my generation might engage in on October 31 might be a toilet papering of the trees in a teacher's front yard or a few eggs thrown at someone's car. These days, the morning paper on November 1, often tells of the night's depraved activity.

When I was a kid, I was sometimes asked to show a trick before I got that treat. But it was always in fun. Parents were fairly trusting and escorted the little ones with flashlights. But often, the older ones were allowed to do some running on their own, from house to house.

Today, parents need to be very careful with child safety, both on the street and once home. The candy bag needs a thorough screening. In addition, parents would be wise to gauge what children wear as costumes. Sometimes aggressive behavior is played out based upon what a child believes a costume allows. Some costumes are downright gruesome.

The children of today need to learn how to stay safe, along with learning traditional fun and games. Although parents must be extra cautions when it comes to keeping kids safe, there is plenty of room for Halloween fun and for building memories that kids will take into adulthood.

Although I do not celebrate Halloween nor am I a die-hard party fan of the festival, I have always enjoyed the costumes and the big, fat, hollow, glowing pumpkins with comical faces. Living in a Chinese culture, I do not have many opportunities to play dress-up. That is probably why I look forward to every 31st October. It is fun to see people dress up in their own costumes.
However, I cannot agree more with Fedder.

He mentioned that "the children of today need to learn how to stay safe, along with learning traditional fun and games". Today, kids who were out trick-or-trick-ing need to be careful. With the increasing number of child adubter and phidophiles on the streets, parents are worried about letting their children roam the streets. Strict supervision is needed. Despite the need to be concerned about the children's safety, parents should not locked their children at home, telling them its 'only safe in the house'. Parents should let their children be exposed to the mystic Halloween, and have fun.
With the shocking melamine discovery in milk products, candies, biscuits and chocolates, parents will now have a greater responsibility to check their children's treats for any trances of those goodies that cannot be cosumed. Not like in the past, where candies were quite safe for consumption. But that does not mean that we cannot enjoy this year's Halloween! With careful precaution and inspection, I believe that Halloween can still be as fun!

Trick or treat?


Anonymous said...

Jing! I enjoyed reading your entries and i like this particular one! :)

I've neither dressed up for Halloween nor went trick or treat before. Though i was very much hoping to do so since i started reading about it in America's children fiction like 'sweet valley kids' and 'Baby-sitters Little Sister' when i was in primary school.

Disappointingly, i know none of my neighbours will give me a candy or two when they open their door to see a kid dressed up as a fairy, saying: "Trick or treat?!" Ha! I don't think they will be bothered to even open their door! Well, if they do, they won't even know what are they suppose to do and i'll probably end up explaining what Halloween is all about. As we Chinese are more influenced by the Western culture, it is common for the clubs, etc to hold Halloween parties on this day. I'm not sure about the kids going trick or treat in Singapore. It might be common in living areas with western expats.

But one thing for sure, i will give out caramel apples, candies, chocolate bars, etc (all non melamine products of course) to young and old dressed up for Halloween who ring my doorbell. Trick or Treat! :)


Ms Bendy said...

Hello Yi Jing, you have some cute pictures of the costumes. Personally, I do not celebrate Halloween but I think that the fun is to collect the candy.

Nevertheless, it would be interesting to experience the Halloween experience in western cultures.

Anonymous said...

hmm.. i had never celebrated Halloween before. I think it is not widely celebrated in Singapore yet. Imagine having to go get sweets from people and having the doors slammed in your face?..especially in Singapore..HAHS!

Definitely if given a chance, i wiould like to spend my halloween in western places to get embrace the mysterious atmosphere and of course, to get sweets!!

Deborah said...

Cute pictures!

There was a news report sometime this week, reporting that when a 12 year old boy asked his neighbour for sweets during Halloween, his neighbour shot him dead, thinking that it was a robbery.

So, i think that even when Halloween is celebrated, people should take certain precautions at the same time.

It might seem fun to dress up but the scenario would turn ugly if others get the wrong idea.

Anonymous said...

Hello.. you do have interesting entries...

Halloween sounds fun but it isn't really for Singapore since it isn't a public holiday.. haha..

It's nice to get candies and dress up for the festival and i believe kids like that..

Personally I'd think it should be a festival of Treat :)

hakezawa yuki said...

Hi Yi Jing!
I have never celebrated Halloween either but it's really cute when you see kids in all sorts of customes popping up infront of your doorsteps.
I guess this particular western culture are not widespread enough, although i do know some organizations celebrated it,amongst the singapore society.
I do agree that parents will need to pay attention to their children more in any kind of festivities and celebration. Dangers are not only limited outside the house but it has also invaded upon our lives =)


Indi said...

Awww... such adorable babies in their rather funny customes. I really feel now that it's so depressing that we in singapore do not celebrate this. i have never clelbrated this b4.

But i'm sure it would been a dream come true for me if i were a kid again to get all those candy for free. i mean seriously can u imgaine the amt u'll get if u just went to one or two blocks.

Anonymous said...

Halloween? Wat's tat? This was somewhat a surprise! Imagine a shop selling decorations promoting Christmas decorations and costumes instead when asked whether they have Halloween costumes. I think we locals need quite some time to indulge in Halloween! Halloween is portraited as something eerie and mysterious. The Night Safari featured a ghostly looked girl standing in the dark. It really looked frightening. I was worried when I was told that you would like to spend Halloween at the Night Safari. Luckily, you didn't. Well, I like 万圣节! It sounds so beautiful.

Bryan J Wong said...

I've never been to an actual Halloween costume party but i'd sure love to go to one someday. AS a kid, i never did celebrate Halloween. I guess it's because i'm catholic and we're not supposed to be "believing" in Halloween. But i think in the name of good clean fun it's all good. About your worry on child safety, personally i think that the more dramatic and over-the-top costumes today make it all more exciting, and as long as there is some sort of "parental escort" for the little children, it can only serve to make Halloween more fun and exciting for the kids. Of course, more kids will be having nightmares but when they grow up and look back on it, it'll bring a smile to their faces. I think that sometimes we need to stop worrying about this and that and just enjoy the moment and what it brings. Having said that, I really do understand where you are coming from and that is why I am adamant that the children be accompanied by responsible adults just in case of anything.

Fern Ru said...

I have just participated in a halloween party organized by the youth group in my community centre. That was my first time participating in Halloween activities and I could not forget the party as the costumes that the participants dressed up in was unique and scary...
I agree with you that Haloween can be fun as I had fun exploring the hunted house that was set up at the bombshelter at the community centre...
Although I may be frightened by the oranizers who were dressed up as ghostsand skeletons, I had a unforgettable time exploring the very dark and endless passageway
I also agree with you that
today, all many of unknown candy types compete for inclusion in treat bags. As for the treat bag I have just got last last Friday, I found that there were many different type of candies. There was milky bar, marshmellows, mars, M and Ns, and many more. Not only were there candies, but also lighters and sticks which glow in the dark. There was also plastic spider toys in it which children like to use them to scare others in the night.
As for the point where some bags are simple plastic grocery bags and others have strong handles for carrying all the loot, I have to agree with you as the bag which I got was also plastic ones.
Also, I agree that today, parents need to be very careful with child safety, both on the street and once home. The candy bag needs a thorough screening, as I noticed myself that when some kids at the party were spilling out the sweets out on the floor to pick the ones that they want to eat, their parents would pick up the sweets and look at the wrappers. I guess they are really careful with their child's safety.
As I have not participated in Halloween before and that it was my first time last last Friday, I think that your post really enlightens me about what Haloween is all about and it gave me insight into what Halloween was like then and now. I enjoyed reading your post...