Thursday, September 25, 2008

"You will die next", Matti Saari.

KAUHAJOKI (Finland) - THE gunman in Finland's latest school shooting likely bought his gun in the town where a teenager went on another rampage less than a year ago, police said, adding to the growing list of eerie similarities between the massacres.

Matti Saari, 22, bought a .22-calibre gun at a store in Jokela, about 250km from his home, and on Tuesday killed 10 people and himself, police said on Wednesday. In November, 18-year-old Pekka-Eric Auvinen likely got his gun at the same store and went on to kill eight people and himself, they said.

The lead investigator said the shootings were so similar that the gunmen might have been in contact with each other.

'Their actions seems so similar that I would consider it a miracle if we did not find some connecting link,' Mr Jari Neulaniemi was quoted as telling the Finnish news agency STT. But authorities did not know whether Saari went on his rampage to copy Auvinen's earlier shooting.
Police said the two men likely bought the guns at the same store, but declined to say how they knew.

Earlier, police detailed the similarities between the two rampages: Both gunmen posted violent clips on YouTube before the shootings, both were fascinated by the 1999 Columbine school shootings in Colorado, both attacked their own schools and both died after shooting themselves in the head.

Gun laws

On Wednesday, the government pledged to tighten Finland's gun laws and keep mentally unstable people from obtaining firearms. The move came a day after Saari opened fire at a vocational college, killing 10 people - including eight female students - before shooting himself in the head.

Police said there was no indication that women were specially targeted, they just made up the majority of students at the Kauhajoki School of Hospitality, 290km northwest of Helsinki.
On a visit to the college, Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen said it was time to consider restricting access to guns in a country with more than 1.6 million firearms in private hands.
'We need to study if people should get access to handguns so freely,' Mr Vanhanen told reporters. 'I'm very, very critical about the guns, and during next few months we will make a decision about it.'

Interior Minister Anne Holmlund said the government was working on a proposal to restrict gun laws by giving police greater powers to examine gun applicants' health records. Saari acquired a permit for his weapon in August, police said.

'(Police must) have the best possible information on the state of health of the applicant when deciding on the licence,' Ms Holmlund said.

Finland has deeply held hunting traditions and ranks - along with the United States - among the top five nations in the world when it comes to civilian gun ownership. After the previous massacre, the government had pledged to raise the age for buying a gun from 15 to 18 but never did so.

The government also called for an investigation into police handling of the case. After an anonymous tip, police had questioned Saari on Monday about YouTube clips that showed him firing a handgun. But he was released after questioning because police said they found no reason to hold him.

'We will obviously investigate what the foundation was for the decision to let him keep his weapon,' Mr Vanhanen said.


Police were searching for a person who appeared to have filmed some of Saari's YouTube clips but said there was no indication Saari had an accomplice. A video clip Saari posted on the Internet showed him pointing his gun to the camera and saying 'You will die next' before firing four rounds.

In Kauhajoki, a town of 14,000 people, flags flew at half-staff for a national day of mourning. Grieving residents placed candles and flowers outside the school.

The National Bureau of Investigation said those killed were eight female students, one male teacher and one male student. Doctors said a 21-year-old woman that Saari shot in the head had two operations and was in satisfactory condition Wednesday.

Mr Neulaniemi said there was no indication that Saari had singled out women and added he probably knew all those he killed, since most students were from the local area.

'Most of the students in this institution are female,' Mr Neulaniemi said, explaining the high number of women killed.

Witnesses said panic erupted at the school, which offers courses in catering, tourism, nursing and home economics, as the masked gunman entered Tuesday and opened fire. He carried a bag of flammable liquids that he used to start a fire and burn some of the bodies.

Mr Neulaniemi said Saari 'really went out with the intention of killing', leaving a message saying he wanted to kill as many people as he could. 'He tried to shoot fatal shots,' he said. -- AP

The article was published in The Straits Times, Wednesday, September 24 2008.

School shootings never fail to leave me stunned and shocked. Even though there has been a rise in school shootings in the past decade, it is still hard to accept. Who knows, some day, it may eve happen to us...

In all the school shooting incidents that we have read, one very distinctive characteristic about the shooter is that they are mostly 'loner' and pocessed low self-esteem. However, one distinct point that we can identify from the recent school shootings is that, the shooter tried to 'communicate' with the public by filming themselves.

For Saari, he 'talk' to the public about his interests in gun and arms through a video in which he later posted online. The videos that he posted was 'disturbing' enough to send the police after him. In one video, the gunman emptied his gun into an off screen target before lifting his hand and saying "goodbye" to the camera.
In the April 2007 shooting, South Korean gunman, Student Cho Seung Hui, shot 32 people in a dorm and a classroom in Virginia Tech. He also made a video, which was made before the shooting:
"You had a hundred billion chances and ways to have avoided today," Cho said in one of video files which were accompanied by numerous still shots of him wielding pistols, knives, even a hammer."But you decided to spill my blood. You forced me into a corner and gave me only one option. The decision was yours. Now you have blood on your hands that will never wash off."
With the power of the media, good things can spread very quickly. However, it can also mean that it can spread 'evil'. And in the case of Sarri, I thought that the police were not cautious enough in handling him when they bought him back for questioning on his 'disturbing' videos. The monster was longed unleashed, yet, we failed to detect it.
Have our gunmen taken an interest in 'communicating' to the public? If yes, do we have the means to prevent his aggression from happening?


Kai Siang said...

It seems that people are not learning from the lessons of Columbine. People are still discriminated and pushed to corner. Looking at the trend, such happenings will continue. Why do these shooters commit such acts? One is probably due to people discriminating against them. We can see that the lack interpersonal relationship can lead to such tragedies especially if the person is desperate. Another reason is probably due to the fact that such cases happen before. Cho Seung Hui could have follow the steps of the Columbine shootings and so could haf the Matti Saari. If Singaporeans had the freedom to purchase firearms. Would such things have happend?

Anonymous said...

I think the psychological well-being of an individual is important. It affects the development of an individual and, ultimately, has negative effects if it's not being checked. This may be due to family problems. Luckily, our law is very strict on arms possession. So, it helps. Well, let's pray hard. The only concern is terrorism. This happened some years ago in Russia, if I remember correctly, where the school was being terrorised. And, for this reason, our schools nowadays do have security guards and security checks. I think more importantly is that everyone of us do have a part to play. Whatever measures adopted, all of us must be vigilant and on the look out for any suspicious character or any person you know became indifferent. Let's make our place safe and, also, healthy.


Ms Bendy said...

Wow.. thats a really long article.

It's quite depressing to see that there is an increasing trend of school shootings recently. Besides setting gun laws, more should also be done to ensure that youths understand the responsibility should be held for the one holding a gun, and not treating it like a toy

Indi said...

It is really a sad fact that there are still many school shootings. I feel that there should be more strict gun laws. Due to the increasing trend of these shootings they should have much tighter security in schools.

Although it may be hard to, i feel that schools should try to keep a close eye on students who may exhibit signs of distress.

Deborah said...


It's rather disturbing that school shootings are on the rise. I believe that having a healthy social life is crucial for one to live a proper life.

More has to be done on family education and most importantly on effective communication skills.

Unknown said...

Shooting, by itself, is already a very cruel act. But this seems even harsher because these shooters are proclaiming their acts as if to prove their superiority.

In my opinion, announcing their acts to the world is a way of giving their egos an extra boost.

buzz said...

human lives, are very precious. to show one's individualism and childishness on expense of other people's life, is definitely unacceptable.

in my opinion, its largely due to the upbringing of the child. parents and the environment of growing up certainly plays a huge role in a character and values of a young child. if parents can't afford to provide a good example for kids, don't even think of giving birth!

Anonymous said...

there is an increase in school violence maybe due to media protrayal of violence.

Indeed it is depressing and scray to see the increase in high school shootings. Teenagers should filter what they receive from various forms of media to prevent them from absorbing the wrong ifo which in turns leads them to commit fatal crimes.

Its time to stop violence or even shootings amongst high schoo students, before any innocent one, is hurt.